Boston Paintball, Ashland. Important visiting information
Opening Time : 12:00 PM
Closing Time : 6:00 PM
Open : Daily
Closed on public holidays : No
Entery fee : ENTRANCE & AIR: $29, Players Package: $45, Half case package: $65, full case package: $90
Authorization : No
Contact No : 5088796621
View address & how to reach
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More about Boston Paintball, Ashland and Historical Information
Boston Paintball has over 21 years of experience and was created with every party, school, and office event we hosted. Many thousands of players have achieved their bucket list items, shared milestones with loved ones, and found a hobby in the safe, educational, and fun environment we have been honored to offer.
Our team is composed of experienced players who understand first-time anxiety and want you to have fun. Our goal is to make your event everything you want it to be. Paintball is what we do. Anything less than a FANTASTIC experience that doesn’t violate the few rules we have to protect everyone’s safety is unacceptable. Get your group together to play paintball as it should be
Boston Paintball, Ashland address and how to reach
How To Reach: By Train: 4.1 mile away from Ashland, Pleasant Station
By Air 25.7 miles away from Boston Logan International airport
Railway Address :Ashland, Pleasant St, Ashland, MA 01721 Airport Address :Boston Logan International Airport, Boston, MA 02128
Way from Nearest Airport Way from Nearest Railway station