Exploring The White House, Washington. Important visiting information

Opening Time : 07:30 AM Closing Time : 12:00 PM
Closed ON : Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Closed on public holidays : No
Entery fee : Free Authorization : No
Contact No : 202-456-7041 View address & how to reach
Seasonal Feature : These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Fridays, and 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturdays
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    Exploring The White House, Washington

    More about Exploring The White House, Washington and Historical Information

    Since President John Adams, the White House, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., has been the home to each U.S. President. Additionally, the White House also serves as the executive offices for both the president and the vice president. Constructed between 1792 and 1800, the White House boasts white-painted sandstone in Neoclassical style. In the War of 1812, a fire damaged both the mansion’s interior and exterior, although reconstruction began immediately afterwards.

    Following tradition, the sitting president changes the interior decorations of the mansion. The White House is large, with approximately 132 rooms throughout its six levels, including the West Wing and the Executive Residence. Aside from political affiliations, the White House Complex has tennis courts, a swimming pool, a movie theatre, and a vast kitchen.

    Today, the White House is closed to the public for security purposes. However, guided tours are given for groups making prior arrangements through their Congressional representatives. Despite the heightened security at the mansion, tourists can take pictures of this American landmark.

    Image Credit:- Юкатан

    Exploring The White House, Washington address and how to reach

    Address : White House Associates, 1825 I St NW, Washington, DC 20006-5403, United States

    How To Reach: "By Train: 2.7 Miles away from Union Station
    By Air: 5.3 Miles away from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport "

    Railway Address :Union Station, 50 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA Airport Address :Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Arlington, VA 22202, USA


    Way from Nearest Airport Way from Nearest Railway station

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