Government Blood Bank DH in Eluru, Andhra Pradesh

Contact No : 08812 220333 Email : NA
Address : NA Pincode : 534006
District : West Godavari City : Eluru
Government Blood Bank DH is located at NA in the West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. Phone number, contact email and website address if available is provided above in the blood bank vital information section. Please refer to the location on Map if you want to visit this blood bank right now. Checkout other blood banks near Government Blood Bank DH if this one is closed or if you cannot find your required blood type and amount of blood needed. Apart from Government Blood Bank DH you can also try Good Samaritan Blood Bank, Alluri Sita Rama Raju Acadamy of Medical Sciences Blood Bank, Indian Red Cross Society Blood Bank, Government Head Quarters Hospital Blood Bank, Smt. Venkata Narasamma and Helapuri Lions Blood Bank.

Disclaimer : We try to maintain correct information of each blood bank but we do not guarantee the accuracy of the data. Source of the information in current state is National Blood Bank data provided by the Government of India. We also take into account user information provided by our users and verify them before updating the information.

Things to do before rushing to a blood bank

  1. Make sure the blood bank is open and can fulfil your requirement. Call them up whenever possible before you waste time on travelling to the blood bank.
  2. Note your required blood group and other importac details like quantity and conditions from your doctor.
  3. Please note that most blood banks seek replacement blood from donors who are frieinds or relatives of the receiver.
  4. Some bloods banks charge money per unit of blood and some charitable ones are free.