Chirayu Health and Medicare Malipura Blood Bank in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Contact No : NA Email : NA
Address : Bhopal Pincode : NA
District : Bhopal City : Bhopal
Chirayu Health and Medicare Malipura is located at Bhopal in the Bhopal district of Madhya Pradesh. Phone number, contact email and website address if available is provided above in the blood bank vital information section. Please refer to the location on Map if you want to visit this blood bank right now. Checkout other blood banks near Chirayu Health and Medicare Malipura if this one is closed or if you cannot find your required blood type and amount of blood needed. Apart from Chirayu Health and Medicare Malipura you can also try IGH Gas Rahat, Bansal Hospital Redefining Healthcare, Jawahar Lal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, People Hospital Blood Bank, MP Thelasmia Kid Care Society, District Hospital, City Blood Bank of Bhojpal Charitable Trust, Arpan Blood Bank, RKDF Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, New Bhopal Blood Bank, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Gandhi Medical College Blood Bank, Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre, Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre Blood Bank, Manas Blood Bank of Chinmayi Swasthya Seva Sadhbhav Shikshan Samiti, JK Hospital and Medical Research Centre, Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), Tatpar Pathology and Diagnostic Centre, Kasturba Hospital BHEL.

Disclaimer : We try to maintain correct information of each blood bank but we do not guarantee the accuracy of the data. Source of the information in current state is National Blood Bank data provided by the Government of India. We also take into account user information provided by our users and verify them before updating the information.