Emergency Blood Bank in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
Contact No : 0751 2457707
Email : NA
Address : 1 Kasturba Market, Kampoo
Pincode : 474009
District : Gwalior
City : Gwalior
Website : NA
View address & how to reach
Emergency Blood Bank is located at 1 Kasturba Market, Kampoo in the Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh. Phone number, contact email and website address if available is provided above in the blood bank vital information section. Please refer to the location on Map if you want to visit this blood bank right now. Checkout other blood banks near Emergency Blood Bank if this one is closed or if you cannot find your required blood type and amount of blood needed. Apart from Emergency Blood Bank you can also try Shri Radheswami Blood Bank, Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), Captain OS Dewan Memorial Blood Bank, Shri Guruji Raktkosh, Birla Institute of Medical Research, Medical College, Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS), District Hospital, Radhaswami Blood Bank Services.
Disclaimer : We try to maintain correct information of each blood bank but we do not guarantee the accuracy of the data. Source of the information in current state is National Blood Bank data provided by the Government of India. We also take into account user information provided by our users and verify them before updating the information.
Important points to remember when going to a blood bank
- Is the blood bank open at this time and does it have have you want? Wasting time on travelling when minutes amount to life and death of a patient.
- Make sure you know what blood group and how many units of blood is required.
- Sometimes you can only get blood by replacement (donate 1 unit for 1 unit)
- Sometimes you need to pay for the blood and sometimes its free at fully charitable blood banks.